Moving reptiles?  Use our snake and lizard quarantine PCR panel to avoid spreading contagious agents.

Ruminating about hoofstock issues?  Try our ruminant fecal screening PCR panel - tests for most common GI pathogens in wild & domestic ruminants.

Our Rodent Infestation PCR Panel tests for 5 common pathogens found in rodent-contaminated facilities.

In over your head? Try our waterborne pathogens PCR panel - detection of 7 different environmental pathogens by real time PCR.

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Zoologix performs environmental, zoo, wildlife and aquatic PCR tests for...

Aeromonas hydrophila

African swine fever

Aleutian disease

Amphibian panel

Anisakis worms



Bacillus species

Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis

Baylisascaris procyonis

Borna virus

Borrelia burgdorferi



Canine circovirus

Canine distemper

Canine parvovirus

Capillaria xenopodis


Chlamydophila pneumoniae

Chytrid fungus

Citrobacter freundii

Classical swine fever





Coxiella burnetii



Cryptosporidium serpentis

Cryptosporidium varanii (formerly saurophilum)

Delftia acidovorans

E. coli O157:H7

E. coli panel



Enterobacter cloacae


Epizootic hemorrhagic disease

Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)

Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP)

Feline panleukopenia

Ferret respiratory enteric coronavirus

Francisella tularensis




Hepatitis E

Herring worms


Inclusion Body Disease (IBD)

Influenza type A

Influenza type B

Japanese encephalitis

Johne's disease

Kangaroo herpesviruses


Lawsonia intracellularis




Listeria monocytogenes

Lizard quarantine panel

Lyme disease

Macropodid (kangaroo) herpesviruses


Mink enteritis virus


Mycobacteria in mammals, amphibians and fish

Mycoplasma mustelae

Mycoplasma species

Neospora caninum

Nipah virus

Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola

Pasteurella multocida

Pentastomid worms

Plasmodium species

Porcine cytomegalovirus

Porcine lymphotropic herpesvirus

Porcine parvovirus

Pseudocapillaria tomentosa

Pseudocapillaroides xenopi

Pseudoloma neurophilia


Pseudoterranova worms

Q fever


Raillietiella orientalis


Reovirus screen



Rift Valley fever



Sarcocystis neurona

Snake fungal disease

Snake quarantine panel

Stenotrophomonas maltophilia

St. Louis encephalitis

Strep pneumoniae

Streptococcus pyogenes

Swine vesicular disease

Tongue worms

Toxoplasma gondii

Treponema pallidum


Trypanosoma cruzi

Trypanosoma evansi


Turtle fraservirus


Valley Fever

Vesicular stomatitis


West Nile virus

White nose syndrome

Yersinia enterocolitica

Yersinia pestis

Yersinia pseudotuberculosis

wildlife and zoo assay data sheet

Baylisascaris procyonis

Test code:
X0019 - Ultrasensitive qualitative detection of Baylisascaris procyonis by real time PCR


Baylisascaris procyonis infection has recently been recognized as an important and widespread emerging helminthic infection of both animals and humans. Raccoons are thought to be the most favorable host for this roundworm; reported infection rates are as high as 70% in adult raccoons and can exceed 90% in juvenile raccoons. Due to the close interaction of raccoons with human populations and pets, this parasite has increasingly been recognized as a cause of severe human disease.

When raccoons ingest the eggs of this parasite the larvae hatch, enter the wall of the small intestine and subsequently develop into adult worms in the small bowel. These adult worms shed eggs into the raccoon’s bowel. Although raccoons are not significantly affected by these parasites, ingestion of the eggs by other suboptimal host mammals (including rodents, birds, dogs and other domestic mammals) results in extraintestinal migration of larvae, and notably invasion of the brain. The migration of helminth larvae through tissue in suboptimal hosts is termed larva migrans and may affect the viscera (visceral larva migrans [VLM]), the eye (ocular larva migrans [OLM]), or the nervous system (neural larva migrans [NLM].

B. procyonis larvae have been found in more than 90 species of wild and domestic mammals and birds, including dogs, chickens, pheasants, quail, guinea pigs, domestic rabbits, rodents, porcupines, chinchillas, prairie dogs, woodchucks, emus, foxes, weasels and primates. Outbreaks of B. procyonis infestation have been reported on farms, in zoos, among pets and in research animal colonies.

The risk of human infestation by this parasite has risen alarmingly due to pets’ contact with raccoon feces. Studies have shown that a single adult female worm can produce hundreds of thousands of eggs per day, and an infected raccoon may shed as many as 45 million eggs daily (Jacobson et al., 1982; Kazacos and Boyce, 1989). These eggs can remain viable in the environment for years. Accidental ingestion of the eggs by humans via contact with infected domestic animals can lead to severe human infection and death.

In the past, B. procyonis infection was diagnosed by morphologic identification of larvae in tissue sections. However, morphologic identification is often difficult and unreliable because a number of possible larval nematodes share very similar morphology, including Toxocara canis, T. cati, Ascaris lumbricoides, and species of Gnathastoma, Angiostrongylus and Ancylostoma, as well as larval cestode infections such as cysticercosis and echinococcosis. While serologic testing has been used in some cases as supportive diagnostic evidence, commercial serologic tests are not available. Presumptive diagnosis has often been made on the basis of clinical data (meningoencephalitis, diffuse unilateral subacute neuroretinitis [DUSN], pseudotumor), epidemiologic data (raccoon exposure), radiologic data (white matter disease), and blood and CNS eosinophilia.

However, molecular detection techniques are now available to rapidly, sensitively and specifically detect B. procyonis.  With this more advanced approach, preventive screening and environmental surveys are possible, enabling identification of animal carriers and even contaminated soils.


  • Help confirm the disease causing agent
  • Shorten the time required to confirm a clinical diagnosis of Baylisascaris infection
  • Help ensure that animal groups are free of Baylisascaris
  • Early prevention of spread of Baylisascaris between animals
  • Minimize human exposure to Baylisascaris

Jacobson, J.E., Kazacos, K.R., and Montague, F.H. (1982) Prevalence of eggs of Baylisascaris procyonis (Nematoda:Ascaroidea) in raccoon scats from an urban and a rural community. J Wildl. Dis. 18:461-464.
Kazacos, K.R. and Boyce, W.M. (1989) Baylisascaris larva migrans. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 195:894-903.

Specimen requirement: 0.2 ml feces, or rectal swab, or 0.2 ml soil, or 0.2 ml tissue.

Contact Zoologix if advice is needed to determine an appropriate specimen type for a specific diagnostic application. For specimen types not listed here, please contact Zoologix to confirm specimen acceptability and shipping instructions.

For all specimen types, if there will be a delay in shipping, or during very warm weather, refrigerate specimens until shipped and ship with a cold pack unless more stringent shipping requirements are specified. Frozen specimens should be shipped so as to remain frozen in transit. See shipping instructions for more information.

Turnaround time: 2 business days

Methodology: Qualitative real time PCR

Normal range: Nondetected

Baylisascaris procyonis PCR test

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