Canine parainfluenza PCR test
dog and cat assay data sheet
parainfluenza virus (CPIV)
Test code:
- Ultrasensitive qualitative detection of canine parainfluenza virus
by reverse transcription coupled real time polymerase chain reaction.
S0109 is included on
P0019 - canine respiratory panel
Canine parainfluenza virus (CPIV) is an important cause of kennel
cough in the USA and is commonly isolated from outbreaks of the
disease. It has also been identified in other parts of the world.
Experimentally, the disease is only very mild or subclinical. However,
in the field CPIV infection may predispose dogs to combined infections
with other viral and/or bacterial agents, leading to more typical
signs of kennel cough.
The virus replicates mainly in the epithelial cells of the nasal
mucosa, pharynx trachea, large bronchi, and regional lymph nodes.
Generalized infection does not occur, except in immunocompromised
CPIV can be detected by cell culture but this method is not very
sensitive. Molecular detection of PCR is the most rapid, sensitive and
specific method for identifying this virus.
Help confirm the disease causing agent
Help ensure that animal groups and populations are free of CPIV
Early prevention of spread of CPIV among a population
Minimize human exposure to this virus
Safety monitoring of biological products and vaccines that derive
from susceptible animals
Chatziandreou, N. (2004). Relationships and host range of human,
canine, simian and porcine isolates of simian virus 5 (parainfluenza
virus 5). Journal of General Virology vol 85 no. 10 3007-3016.
Hsiung, G.D. (1972). Parainfluenza-5 virus. Infection of man
and animal. Prog Med Virol 14, 241-274
Specimen requirement: Nasopharyngeal swab or 0.2 ml tracheal wash.
Contact Zoologix if advice is needed to determine an appropriate specimen type for a specific diagnostic application. For specimen types not listed here, please contact Zoologix to confirm specimen acceptability and shipping instructions.
For all specimen types, if there will be a delay in shipping, or
during very warm weather, refrigerate specimens until shipped and ship
with a cold pack unless more stringent shipping requirements are
specified. Frozen specimens should be shipped so as to remain frozen
in transit. See
shipping instructions for more information.
Turnaround time: 2 business days
Methodology: Qualitative reverse
transcription coupled real time PCR
Normal range: Nondetected