Coccidia PCR test for dogs and cats
dog and cat assay data sheet
species screen
Test code:
X0024 - Ultrasensitive qualitative detection of many coccidia species by
real time PCR. This assay detects but does not differentiate many
species including Cryptosporidium, Eimeria,
Hammondia, Hepatozoon, Isospora, Neospora, Sarcocystis, and
Coccidiosis refers to diseases
caused by coccidian infections. Coccidia is a diverse subclass of parasitic protozoa
that includes many genera, such as Cryptosporidium, Eimeria, Hammondia,
Hepatozoon, Isospora, Neospora, Sarcocystis, and Toxoplasma.
These parasites usually infect the intestinal tracts of animals,
causing diarrhea. In some cases, coccidia can migrate to the central
nervous system and cause neurologic symptoms or death.
Coccidia usually spread from one
animal to another through contact with infected feces or ingestion of
infected tissues. Most infections result in asymptomatic carriers of
the parasites, especially in adults. However, these carriers can
continuously shed the parasites in their feces, thereby infecting
other animals. Young or immunocompromised animals may suffer severe
symptoms, including death.
While coccidia can infect a wide variety of animals, including humans,
birds and livestock, they are usually species-specific. One well-known
exception is toxoplasmosis caused by Toxoplasma gondii:
humans may become infected with this parasite while handling infected
pets, especially cats, or their feces.
In the past, diagnosis of coccidia infections
relied on fecal float, a technique which is relatively insensitive and
not very precise.
However, molecular detection by polymerase chain reaction is rapid,
highly sensitive and highly specific (Lalonde and Gajadhar, 2011).
Help confirm the disease causing agent
Shorten the time required to confirm a clinical
diagnosis of coccidia
Help ensure that animal groups are free of coccidia
Early prevention of spread of coccidia between
Minimize human exposure to coccidia
Lalonde, L.F. and Gajadhar, A.A. (2011) Detection and differentiation
of coccidian oocysts by real-time PCR and melting curve analysis. J.
Parasitol. 97):725-730.
requirement: 0.2 ml feces, or rectal swab, or 0.2 ml soil, or 0.2
ml fresh, frozen or preserved tissue.
Contact Zoologix if advice is needed to determine an appropriate specimen type for a specific diagnostic application. For specimen types not listed here, please contact Zoologix to confirm specimen acceptability and shipping instructions.
For all specimen
types, if there will be a delay in shipping, or during very warm
weather, refrigerate specimens until shipped and ship with a cold pack
unless more stringent shipping requirements are specified. Frozen
specimens should be shipped so as to remain frozen in transit. See
shipping instructions for more
2 business days
Qualitative real time
Normal range: