avian & livestock assay data sheet
Bluetongue virus
Test code:
- Ultrasensitive detection of bluetongue disease virus by
reverse transcription coupled real time PCR
Bluetongue disease is caused by the bluetongue virus, an
orbivirus of the
Reoviridae family. At least 24 serotypes have been reported.
The virus particle consists of
10 strands of double-stranded RNA surrounded by two protein
The virus is transmitted to ruminants via certain species of
biting midges (Culicoides
spp.) and vector control is an important management measure to
prevent the spread of this virus.
The major symptoms of
infection are high fever, excessive salivation, swelling of the
face and tongue, and cyanosis of the tongue. Swelling of the
lips and tongue gives the tongue its typical blue appearance,
but only a small number of infected animals will develop this
sign. Nasal symptoms are common, including nasal discharge and
stertorous respiration. Some animals also develop foot lesions
which may lead to lameness. In sheep, this can lead to
knee-walking. Not all infected animals develop symptoms, but
once symptoms develop, the mortality rate is high. For affected
animals that do not die, recovery is very slow, lasting several
Diagnosis of bluetongue virus
infection by serology has not been satisfactory because there
are many serotypes of the virus, and significant
cross-reactivities with other orbiviruses have been reported.
Although virus isolation is a definitive method to
identify the virus, isolation is time consuming, labor intensive
and not very sensitive. Molecular detection by PCR is a
sensitive, specific and rapid alternative means of detection
(Akita et al., 1992).
Help confirm the disease causing agent
Identify bluetongue virus carriers
Screen research materials for the presence of bluetongue
Help ensure that animal groups are free of bluetongue virus
Early prevention of spread of this virus among animals
Minimize human exposure to this virus
Safety monitoring of biological products that derive from
susceptible animals
Akita, G.Y., Chinsangaram, J., Osburn,B.I., Ianconescu, M. and
Kaufman, R. (1992)
Detection of bluetongue virus serogroup by polymerase chain
reaction. J. Vet.
Diagn. Invest.
Specimen requirements: 0.2
ml of blood in EDTA (purple top) tube,
or nasal swab, or genital swab, or 0.2 ml of semen, or 0.2 ml of
Contact Zoologix if advice is needed to determine an appropriate specimen type for a specific diagnostic application. For specimen types not listed here, please contact Zoologix to confirm specimen acceptability and shipping instructions.
For all specimen types, if there will be a delay in shipping, or
during very warm weather, refrigerate specimens until shipped
and ship with a cold pack unless more stringent shipping
requirements are specified. Frozen specimens should be shipped
so as to remain frozen in transit. See
shipping instructions for
more information.
Turnaround time: 2 business days
Methodology: Qualitative reverse
transcription coupled real time PCR
Normal range: Nondetected